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Tradition and triumph

- November 1st, 2024
Lisa Daines and Whenever Ur Ready captured the Amateur Select Division Championship. (Brooke Flaglet photo)

WCRH celebrates Ranch Horse; 5th Annual ‘Rendezvous’ best yet

Special to the Horsetrader

TEMECULA — The Fifth Annual West Coast Ranch Horse Ranch Horse Rendezvous, held Oct. 10-13 at the California Ranch Company, was well-attended by seasoned ranch horse exhibitors and newcomers alike.

The four-day ranch horse extravaganza featured an array of clinics, futurities, maturities, weekend show, a catered dinner and live entertainment.

WCRH summer fun

- August 1st, 2024
Rosie Cowley (left) rode Socks on Fox to the Open Disciplined Ranch Rail Championship. Cathy Schwartz (right) and Mobsters Tommy Gun were Reserve Champions in Open Disciplined Ranch Rail.

Ranch Horse competitors say ‘mahalo’ for 2024 Summerfest

Special to the Horsetrader

TEMECULA — West Coast Ranch Horse has had a great 2024 season of ranch horse competition so far. Their popular Ranch Summerfest Show was held on July 21 at California Ranch Company, and exhibitors wore Hawaiian shirts to beat the heat and adorned themselves and their horses with festive leis.

The event featured tropical ranch trail, open disciplined ranch rail and a non-pro ranch rail stakes class with a Hawaiian-themed silver belt buckle to the champion. Saltwater Riders, the title sponsor for the third straight year, sponsored t-shirts of the winners’ choice for the Top 10 in the stakes and disciplined rail classes. Bentley Show Pads sponsored multiple show pads for the winners, too.