Resnick takes Quantum Leap to victory
BURBANK — The audience at the Memorial Day Classic was treated to a thrilling seven-horse jump off in the $10,000 Memorial Day Grand Prix, the concluding event of the Memorial Day Classic May 26-30 at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.
Justin Resnik and Quantum Leap (Ama Marketing & Management, Inc., owner) were first to contest Jack Robson’s course in the first round and they set the standard for the 18-horse field to match, and they handily posted a clear round. Jenni Martin McAllister piloted all three of her horses to clear rounds, and her pupil, junior rider Brittany Albrecq, made her grand prix debut and piloted Union Jack to a clear round. Young professional Tommi Clark, aboard her own Raska, and Ron Keller on his Abukir 14 rounded out the seven clear rounds.
San Diego County horse owners urged to attend board meeting on July 13
`Equine Options' forum before Supervisors pushed out two weeks
SAN DIEGO — A San Diego County equestrian determined to see changes to a 30-year-old ordinance for horse facilities is calling out the cavalry for a July 13 meeting of the County Board of Supervisors.
In this case, the cavalry consists of horse owners who engage in neighborly “best practices” so they can persuade the board to pass a new, less onerous proposed horse facility ordinance. The proposal is the result of meetings and collaboration between Cobb and other horse owners along with the county Department of Planning and Land Use. At stake, says Sally Cobb of Valley Center, is the enactment of the new revised ordinance because of a counter-equestrian effort by non-horse owners eager to persuade the board into voting down the relaxed horse ownership revisions. Previously, the meeting had been scheduled for June 29.
Dads and Horses
What is YOUR favorite horse story shared with your dad?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Response to our Father’s Day eArena question was remarkable! To read all answers, please visit our eArena!
Linda Jones
Los Angeles, CA
My dad was anxious to cure me of horse fever when I was about 4 or 5 years old. He took me to the pony rentals and told the man “strap her on tight and run the pony until she cries.” Well, of course I never cried. I just laughed and smiled. Dad finally surprised me with a horse when I turned 14 years old. Schroeder was waiting in our backyard when I got home from school on my birthday!
Krisitn Mains
Newport Beach, CA
We had a local stable less than a mile from the house and everyday I would beg my dad for a horse. When I was 9 my parents went through a horrible divorce, and I cried everyday. One day my dad came and picked me up and took me to Chino, Calif., to look at a young horse (three — looking back I cannot believe it!). We bought him on the spot and trailered him to Fullerton — the Lucky Copper Corral! That, I can honestly say, was the best day of my life and it saved me from my sadness! I now have four horses in my backyard and I owe it all to my dad! I love you, Dad…I miss you!
Kellerhouse, Brandt top Woodside Preliminary Challenge
WOODSIDE — Erin Kellerhouse, on Roxabelle, and Zachary Brandt, on Cavallino Cocktail, captured the two divisions of the Woodside Preliminary Challenge, at the Event At Woodside on May 27-29.
The Woodside Preliminary Challenge was presented by Point Two Air Jackets, Professional’s Choice and Equine Insurance of California. Riders in the Preliminary Horse and Preliminary Rider divisions each competed for $15,000 in prize money and another $15,000 in prizes.
Young horses star at Flintridge Dressage event

Sanceo, ridden by Sabine Schut-Kery of Thousand Oaks, received Markel/USEF 5-Year-Old Western Selection Trial championship at the May 26-29 Dressage at Flintridge.
As host of the Markel/USEF Young Horse Western Selection Trial for the FEI/WBFSH World Breeding Championships in Verden (GER) and the final Pan American Games qualifying competition for Southern California, competitors made the most of the opportunity to try to earn scores worthy of securing an invitation to represent their country on an international stage.
Rebecca Bruce wins USHJA Classic

Rebecca Bruce and Kenzington win the $3,000 Memorial Day USHJA National Hunter Classic May 29 in Burbank.
“I was a little nervous with the wind because of my green horses,” said Bruc, who also showed Cirque du Soleil to ninth place. “The classic being a night class didn’t really bother me, but I was nervous, especially with the winner because of the wind and shadows but he didn’t really care.”
It’s heating up! The Summer Real Estate Showcase, that is…
As summer warms up, so does the equestrian real estate market! If you have a ranch or horse property listing, the California Horsetrader’s “Summer Real Estate Series” is equipped to place your listing into the hands of our quality, established readers of both our in-print and online publication. Whether at the major horse shows or in the barn, everyone reads the Horsetrader. Call Lori today at 760-546-1188, or email her at And if you’re looking for a potential new home for you and your horses, be sure to check out the growing real estate section!
Dealing with a Distracted Horse
Next in a series
After our reviewing of backing, let’s take a look at the key to handling a distracted horse: patience.
Sometimes when you’re riding you’re going to lose your horse’s attention. I say don’t make a big deal out of it. Some might not see as well as others, or may be more spooky, especially as far as young horses go, when they go off to the Bahamas every now and then; leave it alone and it goes away. Be patient.