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Fappani claims Futurity, Derby titles at Reining By The Bay

3-year-old Heir Gun wins in his debut

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 18th, 2011

WOODSIDE — Andrea Fappani unveiled Heir Gun to the Futurity scene at the 2011 Reining By The Bay July 18-24, and the charismatic stud was right on target.

Showing in a bridle, Heir Gun (Gunner x Hollywoods Heir) marked a 149.5 in his debut and won the $25,000 added Spooks Gotta Gun Futurity after less than 10 months with Fappani, who won both the Open Futurity and Derby events at this popular event for the second straight year.

“I think he’s going to win a lot of money,” Fappani said of Heir Gun, owned by Chihiro Niwata of Japan. “He’s really a level-minded stud, and that maturity is rare in a 3-year old. I showed him one-handed and everyone else was still in a snaffle. The first things I look for in a 3-year old is honesty and having a level mind, and that’s what that horse has. I think he has a pretty good future in front of him.”

Sandy Collier rides into Cowgirl Hall of Fame

October induction awaits NRCHA World Champion

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 18th, 2011
Sandy Collier

Sandy Collier

FORT WORTH, Texas – Sandy Collier, who remembers vividly the first time she broke into the Open Finals at the National Reined Cow Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity, joined another elite club recently when she was voted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame.

The Buellton-based Collier, 58, is one of four 2011 inductees into the Hall, located in Fort Worth Texas. In a ceremony planned Oct. 26 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center, Collier will be inducted alongside Sarah “Sally” Buxkemper, Mary Lou LeComtpe and Anna Mebus Martin.

Speed pays in August Festival GP

Hutchison and Cantano win Blenheim event

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 18th, 2011
Susie Hutchison and Cantano.

Horse In Sport photo

Susie Hutchison and Cantano.

DEL MAR — On yet another perfect Saturday at the Del Mar Horse Park, 28 couples took the test set by Catalina Cruz of Monterrey, Mexico, in the $30,000 August Festival Grand Prix, presented by EquiFit, Inc. on Aug. 6. With four to ride, Californian Kirsten Coe qualified three of Ilan Ferder’s horses for the jump-off, Baronez, Tristan and Vernon G, and merely had time faults on the fourth, Combina. Mexican Jaime Azcarraga competed once again on his three mounts. Of those, Gangster and Celsius were clean in round one. Add Californians Rusty Stewart on Bristol (owned by Grey Fox Farm), Susan Hutchison aboard El Dorado 29’s Cantano and Michelle Parker with Xei Ha (owned by Tula Pinnella) to the five qualified by Coe and Azcarraga for eight to return in the jump-off. Just missing making it nine to return, Nicole Simpson had a beautiful ride on Monarch International’s Candle Light Van De Warande, but stopped the clock in 77.04 – the time allowed was 77 seconds.

Californians golden at PHBA World Championships

From the Newstrader - August 18th, 2011
Shea Morita and Alyssa Todora

Jeff Kirkbride photo

Shea Morita and Alyssa Todora

TULSA, Okla. – Riders from the Golden State shined at the 2011 Palomino Horse Breeders Association World Championship Horse Show, held July 23-30 at Expo Square at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex.

Among the World Champions from California was Alyssa Todora of Norco riding Ima Blond Investment. Under trainer Kerri McKay of Kerri McKay Quarter Horses, Todora and Ima Blonde Investment won a World Championship in Hunter Under Saddle 13-under and also a Reserve in Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle, 18-under. Her mother, Taryn Todora, also fared well, riding Ima Blonde Investment to Reserve World title in both amateur trail and NSBA World Champion. This year’s PHBA World Championship Show was the first Palomino World competition for both of them.

Morgan Cromer is reserve in ‘Saddle Battle’

From the Horsetrader - August 18th, 2011

Oklahoma City, Okla. – Morgan Cromer of Templeton – the only woman in the field at Battle In The Saddle competition July 5-9 – took the reserve championship just one-half point behind winner Matt Budge.

Cromer, who represented the National Reined Cow Horse Association, rode 7-year-old gelding Talkin Prize (Smokums Prize x Talkin Peppy Merada x Meradas Money Talks), owned by Stephen Silva. Their composite score of 578.5 fell just shy of Budge, representing the National Cutting Horse Association, aboard Mr Playinstylish (Playin Stylish x Tari Chick Gay x Doc Tari), a 6-year-old stallion owned by Kit and Charlie Moncrief of Fort Worth, Texas.

Fire source a mystery at Kahoots in Ramona

From the Newstrader - August 18th, 2011

Ramona, CA – Cause of an early morning Aug. 8 fire that destroyed more than $1 million dollars worth of hay in Kahoots Feed & Pet Store remains unknown, said Keith Ritchie in the store’s corporate office. He added that hay will be available at the Main Street location by the weekend of Aug. 13-14, as an investigation by Cal Fire and the San Diego County Sheriff’s arson unit continues.

Another Choice: High or Low?

Simple adjustments in your bitting make a difference

By LES VOGT - Horsetrader columnist - August 18th, 2011

Fourth in a series
Before entering the arena, we take a closer look at the details of our snaffle bit.

I tend to ride with the snaffle fairly low in the horse’s mouth. Often I’ll have it a half-inch or more off (below) the corners. I find that the lower I have the snaffle the lower a horse’s head will tend to go. Normally we want their heads low since our ultimate goal is to get the horse’s back rounded and his weight distributed to the hindquarters so we can maximize his performance. The one time I might be careful here is if I’m on a horse that has heavy shoulders, because if he carries his head too low it will be hard to keep his weight off of his front end.

Norco is place to be for upcoming PRCA Rodeo and Norco Fair

From the Horsetrader sales staff - August 18th, 2011

All of Norco would like to welcome everyone to Horsetown USA as it celebrates both the 27th Annual Norco Mounted Posse PRCA Rodeo and the 2011 Norco Fair! Held Aug. 26-28 at the George Ingalls Equestrian Center, the rodeo will feature bull riding, bareback riding, barrel racing, mutton bustin’, along with great food, music and dancing! Call (951) 371-1204, visit their website, www.norcoprcarodeo.com or stop by some of your local Norco businesses to get your Rodeo tickets now! And don’t miss the Norco Fair, coming to Ingalls Park on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 1-5. With even more vendors, more rides, it’ll be even more fun for you and your family! Check out the new Fair hours and schedule at www.norcofair.org. And don’t forget to stop by all of your local Norco stores & businesses to take advantage of great Rodeo and Fair specials! Be sure the check out our ad index on page 102 for the list of Norco stores!