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Another Level

- June 14th, 2024
UP FOR THE CHALLENGE: Working Equitation has captured trainer Robin Bond’s passion and dedication. (Kristin Lee photo)

Trainer Robin Bond’s background, personality and gifts helped her discover the up-and-coming international sport of Working Equitation

By Horsetrader staff

HORSETRADER: Robin, you have a rich equestrian background — from your English foundation to national reined cow horse accomplishments and many other events. Now, you’ve really taken to Working Equitation.

ROBIN: I love the challenge of Working Equitation. It’s a great sport, and I think the more people who see it — and see everything that goes into it — the more people will be attracted to it.

HORSETRADER: When many hear “equitation,” they think of young riders being judged on the flat going in circles. Not the case, is it?

ROBIN: No, it is an international sport. The four trials are dressage, ease of handling, a speed trial and a cattle trial. It’s not western because the tack and attire doesn’t have to be western. In the United States, it is acceptable to ride under dressage tack and attire or hunter tack and attire, or even native Spanish, Portuguese or Mexican attire. And any breed can compete — you’ll see Fjords, Gypsy Cobs, Lusitanos, Quarter Horses, Paints, Andalusians.