Gate re-opens on cow horse show season
Back-to-back SCRCHA events gets regional talent back on track
From Horsetrader staff reports

TEMECULA — After three event-less months, cow horse competitors enjoyed back-to-back summer shows put on by the Southern California Reined Cow Horse Association. Green Acres Ranch hosted both events, the SCRCHA July Jubilee Show on July 10-12 and the Jimmy Flores, Sr. Memorial Aug. 7-9.
Classes were well-filled, attracting entrants from throughout the southwest, and there were plenty of inspiring stories from the two weekends. Here are three of them:
Summertime Sliiiiiiiiiide
CRC Ranch hosts reiners in a restart to show season
By BROOKE GODDARD / for the Horsetrader

TEMECULA — The California Reining Horse Association slid into California Ranch Company for its Summertime Slide Horse Show on Aug. 21-23. The show was initially scheduled to take place at Hansen Dam Horse Park in Lake View Terrace, but the City of Los Angeles placed a pause on horse shows due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The CRHA was grateful that California Ranch Company opened its doors on such short notice.
Medal Season
Top riders vie for CPHA Equitation Championships
Special to the Horsetrader

SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO — Medal final season signals the end of summer and the beginning of fall, and Aug. 22-23, 121 equestrians in three age sections were challenged in the equitation arena.
The Livery in Ramona — super location for buying and selling tack
From Horsetrader sales staff

The Livery Feed and Ranch Supply is well known for its friendly service, terrific inventory and good prices, but not everyone knows (yet) that it also is a super place to buy and sell used tack. Stop by next time you are in Ramona at 2537 Main Street to check out what’s available and to meet the friendly staff that is ready to go to work for you. Shop the large selection of tack and product from all your favorite manufacturers, including Berlin Custom Leather, Breyer, Professional’s Choice and much, much more. Be sure to ask about The Livery’s delivery service. The Livery is open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more info, see the ad on page 23, or give The Livery a call at (760) 789-5582.
By Daniel H. Grove, DVM

Communication is an essential component to any relationship. Whether it be between two people, countries, companies — anything. If you want any relationship to work between two or more parties, communication is key. The relationship between equine veterinarian and client is no different.
Equine medicine is a bit different from many other medical and patient/client relationship. Even when you compare it to small animal medicine, to me, it is a more personal relationship. In small animal medicine you usually speak with office staff to setup an appointment or get a refill. A veterinary technician often times is the first to see your animal and answer some of your questions. You get to see and speak to the veterinarian (in non-COVID times) during the exam. Most procedures are done in the back, and then you may see your veterinarian just prior to leaving.
The power of ‘why’
By Sheryl Lynde | Horsetrader columnist

I always want to know why a horse does what he does. If he bucks…why? If he rears…why? Is he fearful…why?
This question kept me up at night as I thought about a troubled horse or colt that had come to me for help.
When Smokey arrived, he was a wreck waiting to happen. He was three at the time and had 30 days of prior training. He had a level of fear that was going to get someone hurt. I led him into the round pen to give him room and time to settle, but as I walked out he spooked and fell to the ground.