We’ve spent the last 4-6 weeks preparing as much for this final Worlds event as possible. And, to make it real, mostly so we don’t have to wear ourselves out the last weekend trying to cram all we own into our 3-horse trailer and then start the journey in complete exhaustion.
Today, the day before we leave has been rather uneventful. I have to admit having such glorious weather and being on vacation is such a reward after a year of hard work and
I have to admit I slept in this morning while my hubby ran a few random errands. We then we made the trek from San Diego County to Riverside County to pick up all three horses, aka ‘the boyz’, from our trainer’s ranch. Since this is touted as my ‘Last Worlds’ I have blown the rest of my 2009 show budget and we are going to show all three of them this time. That means we’re taking our aged stallion, Skipa Maxi Treat (aka DaddyMax), the 4-year old gelding, Starzaville (aka Cameron), and my husband’s 3-year old gelding, Couldntgetmuchhotter (aka Armani).
I have attached a photo of our rig fully loaded. This was taken after we had the guys at Hay Connection load our hay rack, we loaded the boyz at Spring’s ranch, and then gassed up at the Shell station on Hwy 79. We are packed and ready to leave at 3:30 tomorrow morning.
I am on vacation and this is a happy woman signing off.
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