When we woke up this morning the news said around noon we’d have 80 mph winds, large hail, and a tornado warning. I am a Californian and that scares me worse than earthquakes. At least those can’t pick you up and take you to the next state.
I never had any weather problems once we got to the showgrounds. I had a cinnamon roll while the horses ate and then watched a few of the Californians show. Halter was light but the ones in the arena were really tough. Riding classes have had 15-30 entries and given the current economy I can’t complain. Plenty of good competition.
Today we’ve had a very large California contingency in the top ten, as well as several reserve and champion winners to represent.
I’m watching 3 y/o ApHA HUS Futurity right now and those horses look and move far beyond their years. I’m glad I didn’t try to ride my 3 y/o in the class as he is not nearly up to that level of maturity or training yet. We didn’t start him as a 2 y/o HUS. Some very familiar faces, including Beth Case, Cheryl Thornton, Nancy Sue Ryan – to name a few. I will watch for the pinning and then hurry back to feed and clean up so we can go out to dinner.
I have had a great show. My horses have really tried their best and we’ve had some success. I can’t complain as there are many exhibitors who didn’t even get a callback and that’s not the case for us. I have been blessed my last Worlds to have had a call-out in all but one class and….after all…..I did get my reserve in Masters Trail.
SIgning off for now…..more tomorrow as both geldings are in Hunter In Hand with my husband so for now…..I am out
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