Founded in 1953, the 70-member Calizona group documented its annual activities in a scrapbook. The effort had to meet 28 criteria set up by the ApHC, with points awarded in categories like shows, trail rides, parades, membership increases, youth programs and other activities. Regional Clubs had a Jan. 30 deadline to submit entries for the previous year.
“The award recognizes a very active club which promotes the Appaloosa breed both within and outside,” said Leslie Foxvog, a 12-year Calizona member who has been club president since 2000. “To win this award takes planning and a team effort.”
In both 2008 and 2009, Calizona won the national honor by virtue of meeting 26 of 28 scoring criteria.
“We don’t know our point totals yet this year, but we are proud to have met that many categories,” said Foxvog.
Calizona’s enthusiastic, eager membership is refreshing in the face of tough economic times. The group makes it a point to work together.
“Tough economic times call for increased communication,” said Foxvvog, still charged up after leading a Calizona unit in the 2010 Rose Parade in January. “All organizations need to do more with less funding, so we get creative with awards. We also do a lot with membership talent. For example, one member has an embroidery machine, so she donates her time to embroider all kinds of items besides jackets and shirts. Another member owns a sign shop and makes stencils for another member to etch glass for awards. Other members purchase glass items at antique shops or at bargain stores that make for wonderful awards. Others donate their expertise in website design and management. Our Club is wealthy when it comes to the talent to maintain an organization!”
With their award, Calizona receives $500, a trade show space at the World or National Show, two tickets to the annual ApHC banquet and a certificate of award.
For more information on the Calizona Appaloosa Horse Club, visit its website:
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