Visit for a full event schedule.
What is “Norco Horseweek”? If you are familiar with “Horsetown USA,” you realize that there are 52 horse weeks a year in Norco. However, for 40 years now, “Norco Horse Week” is something more — a celebration of a lifestyle that is appreciated by this town’s residents and visitors alike. Fund-raisers, the rodeo, the chili cook-off, the parade, the dance — and don’t forget the rides! There’s much to see and do doing Norco Horse Week.
Click here for a full Norco Horseweek schedule and read residents’ favorite memories of events past.
March 7th, 2011 at 3:14 pm
The website says it requires a user name and password…unable to access it, so no schedule.
March 17th, 2011 at 9:58 am
Hi, Suzan. THanks for writing — we are doing some work on the site, and it should be up again soon, so stay tuned!
April 8th, 2011 at 11:11 am
Hi, Suzan…I wanted to let you know that is up and running again! We had to rebuild parts of the site that some bad folks with some knowledge had used to make problems. Thanks for your patience!