Between events at the June 27 “V-Spurs” gymkhana show at Walnut Grove Park in San Marcos, Andy Krogh asked his girlfriend of several years, Melissa Northrup, to give him a hand “setting up the course.” Turned out he was setting up a surprise for his longtime sweetheart. Andy put down the tape measure, knelt on one knee, pulled out a ring and asked her to marry him. Surprised, Melissa broke into tears, and after the announcer said “look in arena two – something special is going on,” her young son, James, ran into the arena and asked his mom what was going on. “Is Andy asking you to marry him?,” her son asked. Yes, she told him. (The boy advised her to say “yes!”) She put on the ring and sll three walked off together. It didn’t hit Andy how nervous he was until he realized he had failed to inform his parents at the show of his big surprise. “They were just as surprised at the announcement by our announcer as all the other riders and families, “ he said. “It was a great moment that will last with us forever — and it was shared with our family and good friends from CGA and District 33.” The date is set for Sept. 26.
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