Amici BB, owned by Tilley Andalusians of Hemet and shown here in a victory pass after winning the National Champion Saddle Seat Junior Horse last year, shined at the three-judge Region 1 show Aug. 13-15, taking the Region Champion Senior Stallion title with Bill Deeney handling, as well as the Region Champion Best Movement.
“I told her right there that I had first dibs if she ever decided to sell him,” says Nadine, owner of Tilley Andalusians in Hemet.
Two years later, she bought Amici BB, the handsome son of Escamillo. Now a 6-year old, he’s a good candidate to win a International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association Senior Grand National Stallion Championship in Fort Worth, Texas, in October.
Amici BB won the IALHA Region 1 Senior Stallion Championship and also the Region 1 Best Movement title at the three-judge Regional Championship Show held at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center Aug. 12 – 15. The event also served championship classes for Regional 10 International Friesian Show Horse Association.,
“He’s just a noble stallion — he’s got a wonderful, kind temperament, and he’s very versatile,” Nadine says the horse affectionately referred to as “Mr. Fabio.”
Beau, ridden by Lauren La Vine for owner Carol Carfagno, was undefeated at the Regional show in five disciplines -- Hunt-seat, Western Pleasure, Show Hack, Fantasy Costume and Country English Pleasure Saddle Seat.
On the Friesian side of the big weekend, Beau, owned by Carol Carfagno and trained and ridden by Lauren La Vine, shined brightly and appears ready for the IFSHA World Championship Show in Del Mar in October after going undefeated in five different disciplines. Titles came in hunt-seat, western pleasure, show hack, fantasy costume, and country English pleasure saddle seat.
“We are very excited to be competing this year at the Friesian Nationals,” says La Vine.
Other top performers included Balitor, a Bay Andalusian stallion owned by Dana Kanstul and ridden by youth rider Zoe Robertson, with four Regional Championships and a Reserve Regional Championship, and Jessie Shields, another youth rider who showed multiple horses at the show including her own stallion, Centello H. She took a championship and four reserves. She also showed the beautiful Andalusian mare Afrodita M Suay for Amandalusian Farms, gathering regional titles in Show Hack and a Reserve Championship in hunt-seat open.
Madeline Kendrick (left) on Incognito, owned by Joanne Asman, and Rachel Frieman on Amuleto, owned by Isabella Grigorian, each won a Regional and Reserve Championship in the Western 13-under division.
The International Friesian Show Horse Association World and Grand National Championship Horse Show will be held Oct. 13-17 at the Del Mar Arena in Del Mar, Calif. In addition to its prestige as a pinnacle of Friesian competition, the event also will be a fund-raiser for the Freedom Stallion Project.
For more information on the IFSHA World and Grand National Championship show, visit More about the Freedom Stallion Project is at
The California Horsetrader is the Official Horse Publication of the 2010 IFSHA World event.
More results: See website
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