VANCOUVER, Wash. — The Annual Convention and Membership Meeting of the American Paint Horse Association has concluded, and leaders selected the group’s executive committee, decided on rule change proposals and work within committees to continue to advance the popular breed registry and membership association. Attending the three-day event were members of the Association’s Executive Committee, 98 National Directors and other involved members from 35 U.S. states, two Canadian provinces and the United Kingdom.
The new APHA Executive Committee will include President Scot Jackson (Stephenville, Texas); President-elect Gregg Reisinger (Eldora, Iowa); Vice President Mary Parrott, (Ruston, La.); Senior Committee Member Ron Shelly (Georgetown, Texas); Fifth Committee Member Susie Shaw (Parsons, Tenn.); Sixth Committee Member George Ready (Hernando, Miss.). The Immediate Past President is Dr. Travis Titlow of Lincoln, Calif.
In other action, APHA Directors passed legislation regarding rule changes. Some of the changes included when points and awards are transferred if a horse advances to Regular Registry Summary: If a horse advances from Solid Paint-Bred Registry to the Regular Registry and has earned points and awards, they will transfer with the horse to the new registry. The horse will be eligible for any awards to be given in the Regular Registry as of December 31. ALso, Cowboy Mounted Shooting will be recognized for APHA points and awards, and dressage will now be recognized as a special event, eligible for APHA points and awards.
More info: See website
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