Most horse people know that ads placed in your favorite horsetrading publication, the California Horsetrader, also appear online on – which gets more than 1,500 unique visitors each day! What you may not know is that you can place classifieds in your favorite national magazines on, too! The line-up of titles is 11 and growing, and it features such best-in-class titles as Equus, Quarter Horse News, Horse & Rider, Barrel Horse News, Practical Horseman, The Trail Rider, Dressage Today, American Cowboy and more! To place an ad, just go to, select “Place An Ad”, and after you log in, select “Create New Ad” and “See other publications and websites…”. Or, you can call our office, and we’ll gladly help you compose ads and a program across your favorite titles. By the way, your classified ads placed in any of these magazines also appear online on! Clearly your BEST marketplace is better than ever!
Over the last few years, the advent of MRI examination for lameness diagnosis has revolutionized the accuracy of final diagnosis. This has led to more targeted treatments – and better outcomes! However, having to put your horse through anesthesia to do an MRI can be risky. Fortunately, a solution exists. Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging is the only manufacturer of MRI systems for the standing sedated equine. The Hallmarq Standing MRI offers a proven diagnostic rate similar to lay-down scans with zero anesthetic risk. Hallmarq’s goal is to make MRI cost-effective while giving vets access to proven high technology with a low initial investment. A standing MRI can save you time, money & worry through an early, safe and accurate diagnosis. Call (978) 266-1219 or find out more by seeing the ad on page 77.
Join Yorba Linda Country Riders for their 2012 Four Show Buckle Series! YLCR offers fun, family-friendly horse shows and community events — and is excited to celebrate 42 years of community service in Yorba Linda! The first show in the series will be held Sunday, April 15 and will offer halter as well as English and Western classes. They have a great new premium, with daily high-point awards in eight categories, year-end champion silver buckles and reserve champion awards. Learn more about Yorba Linda Country Riders and their upcoming shows and events by calling Dee Dee at (714) 996-6321, and see the ad on page 84.
Hawthorne Country Store is celebrating its “Huevos Ranchos Heritage Poultry Event” on Saturday, March 10, at both store locations – Escondido and Fallbrook. With 35 different breeds and 1,600 chicks, you’re sure to find the chick of your dreams! There will be specials on starter feed and beginning chicken coops, as well as plenty of educational handouts and signage. Come learn about different breeds of chickens, pest mitigation, and predator prevention. Stop by the stores to find out more or call (760)746-7816 (Escondido) or (760)728-1150 (Fallbrook). See ad on page 68.
The daughter of Jauni Badger of Inland Vet Supply, Carson Badger, age 10, is competing in the Norco Mounted Posse Rodeo Queen Pageant in the Young Miss Division on March 17-18. A fourth-grade student at New Life Christian School, Carson is looking forward to the opportunity of representing the City of Norco, Horsetown USA. She is also thankful to have the support of many local businesses. The pageant will be held at the Hal Clark Arena on Saturday and at the Norco Lions Club on Sunday. Good luck to all contestants!
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