Horses by nature are socially distant. A horse show isn’t much different. Perhaps some changes in spectator seating, and ways in which the concession stands are run. But no reason to reinvent how horse shows take place
Doris Lora, Tehachapi
Adhere to social distance requirements.
Cady Shaw, Fresno
Today, there are no shows/events, and there should not be any events until the Coronavirus is defeated. No matter how long we wait, we will wait healthy and alive. Ride the trail, be safe—and healthy.
John O’Hara, Petaluma
If we would have more sanitary stations and eliminate personal contact like high-fives at the out-gate, or the close contact at the in-gate, we should be fine.
Britta Jacobson, Santa Rosa
We should go back to normal life.
Melinda Smith, Phelan
Office controls, pen-cleaning plan. Possibly scribes and judges wearing masks.
Kellie Dunn, Carlsbad
They should just be normal shows, like before all this got blown out of proportion by the news.
Liana Morris, Hollister
Office/entry booth will need to provide hand sanitizer to participants. There should be hand-washing stations. Potentially, it’s best to spread stall assignments around and provide greater distance from each barn.
Raquel Brusher, San Diego
After the pandemic, keeping with healthy habits of hand washing and covering coughs, etc., should be promoted. Having a cleaning crew for restrooms and other heavily used areas would be prudent. Since many people attend events when experiencing illness in order to not lose points, there should be a plan to encourage staying home when sick.
Terrie B., Apple Valley
I feel that shows should go back to normal, the way they were before the Covid pandemic.
April Alianza, Petaluma
For performance horses, only horses within 10 positions of showing should be in the warm-up pen. People such as trainers should not be sitting on horses within the warm-up pen but, rather, sitting on the rail. People watching should be no closer than six feet, and when not warming up or showing, people should be respectful and keep six feet apart. For the most part, when not socializing, its rare to be within six feet of others. For those that chose, they can wear a mask.
Mark Faley, Camino
Shows will go on as they have in the past, no panic adjustments.
Robin Arnold, Apple Valley
At least for the next few months, people shouldn’t stand around in groups. Social distancing is simple at horse shows—be aware, be respectful of each other’s space. In the show office, limit people to two or three inside, depending on space. It will probably require snother volunteer to manage office lines!
Becky Borquez, Shadow Hills
No ‘new’ normal for shows. Everything back to the way it was.
MaryLouise Eckman, Simi Valley
I hope it will be like it was before. The only thing I would like to see would be people washing hands and being aware of spreading any germs, including common cold.
Phil Smith, Phelan
Shows for now will require small classes, and only so many horses and riders in each class at once. The problem will be for judges and stewards to be able to do what they need to do from a distance. For now, there should be no shows at all.
Lil Judd, Sylmar
We still don’t know enough to make very accurate predictions. Generally, horse activities are not a close-contact event, so I’m not sure many changes are needed. But people, especially kids, like to congregate and socialize. It’s just in our nature. We want to talk about our horses, our events—it’s one of the main reasons we go to shows!
Deb Burken, Tehachapi
Horse shows should be conducted with safety in mind. Face masks in place and staying six feet apart should not be a problem. Sanitize office areas often, and no sharing of equipment, tack, horses or clothes.
Lorraine Biederman, Newbury Park
Nothing should change. The Corona virus survives in densely populated area. I don’t see trainers functioning is densely populated arena. It’s generally a trainer and just a few students, usually a safe distance apart.
Doris Lora, Tehachapi
We should go back to our normal schedules and just be more aware of when we think that we might have a virus that can be spread; and be more careful when approaching people. We already knew that when we had a cold. We would step back from greeting people and not shake their hands. We will just be a little more diligent in this practice.
Linda Fullerton, Shadow Hills
Limit to limit students, and entry into barns and grooming/wash areas.
Cady Shaw, Fresno
One-on-one lessons can be done with social distancing. Group lessons would be more difficult to maintain distancing, but it can be accomplished.
Deb Burken, Tehachapi
Everyone has their own stuff, and wash hands regularly. Virtual lessons, if need be.
Raquel Brusher, San Diego
Training, shows and trail riding should all go back to normal.
Dana Kanstul, Burbank
At my barn, we still have lessons. There are only two riders in a lesson, and we keep our distance.
Sharyn Jung, Covina
I don’t see lessons altered, other than social distancing; and don’t touch anything that did not come with you or will go home with you.
John O’Hara, Petaluma
One person at a time.
Kellie Dunn, Carlsbad
Encourage trainees not to attend when ill. Stagger people apart for lessons. Again, sanitizing surfaces, tack or any public areas regularly.
Terrie B., Apple Valley
When training most of the time I am not closer than six feet. If people are concerned, they can ask others to wear a mask, and there should be hand sanitizer for those wishing to use it. When saddling, grooming or washing, it would be respectful to keep six feet away.
Mark Faley, Camino
Lessons conducted with limited riders. If the student can’t tack up her own horse, then the instructor should—and then keep 6 feet away. After each lesson, all equipment should be wiped down to sterilize all that was touched and made ready for the next students. Keeping social distancing can easily be done.
Lorraine Biederman, Newbury Park
I see no reason that lessons cannot continue as usual. The trainer and student are not close to each other while the student is mounted. If they need to be close while tacking the horse, masks should be worn.
Carolyn McIntyre, Tehachapi
Thank heaven for trails—where one can be out in the open, breathing fresh air!
Ka Duvall, Tehachapi
One significant difference is that riders cannot go to rides in the same vehicle.
Carolyn McIntyre, Tehachapi
I do not believe that there will be any difference in trail riding. If there is social distancing in the world, it is when we are on horseback.
Linda Fullerton, Shadow Hills
We already keep distance when we ride, so no change there. I probably won’t hold someone else’s lead rope while they go pee. When we have lunch on trail, I probably won’t sit as close to my friends as I normally do. If I haul someone else’s horse, I might ask them to drive themselves separately in a car to the staging area, rather than ride with me in my truck. Or, maybe they can sit in the back of the truck and we both wear bandanas—not sure about that yet. I might carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me on rides in case I need to touch someone else or their tack.
Jeanne Gonzalez, Santa Clarita
Staggering riders so people and horses are not as close together and offering two separate times, maybe one hour after first group—depending on size. When passing other riders, be polite and keep a distance. All of these scenarios are post-pandemic, which means we will not be social distancing to the extent we are now.
Terrie B., Apple Valley
In rural areas like mine, I see no necessary changes, but in multi-use suburban areas, maybe changes have to be enacted.
Deb Burken, Tehachapi
Trail riding can be done, but people need to have masks available—and social distancing is a must. I do them myself, and most of the time people are keeping the distance. I’ve encountered a few people who are not sticking to social distancing. A simple rule is one horse length in between, but I would actually suggest at least two horse lengths—and that’s large horses, not ponies. And be respectful—use masks.
Lil Judd, Sylmar
Trail riders naturally social distance, unless you’re on a wide trail that allows for side-by-side riding. Then you may need to separate to a safe distance. Wear a bandanna or mask.
Becky Borquez, Shadow Hills
Trail Riding should be the same. You will either ride by yourself or with friends you know.
Liana Morris, Hollister
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