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NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Sunday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 23rd, 2009

The 2009 National Stock Horse Association Futurity came to a close on SUNDAY, Aug. 23, culminating a week’s worth of action, camaraderie and world-class horsemanship.

SUNDAY, 6:00 a.m.
On the final morning of the NSHA Futurity, riders and attendees enjoy a complimentary breakfast in the new Mission Square area of Paso Robles Event Center. The breakfast was sponsored by San Juan Ranch.

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Saturday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 22nd, 2009

The morning NSHA Select Sale and evening 2009 World’s Richest Stock Horse competition on SATURDAY, Aug. 22, bring the crowds to the NSHA Futurity.

SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m.
Saturday morning, the World Championship Team Penning Association event at the NSHA Futurity attracts 162 contestants from five states to the Midstate Fairgrounds. Show secretary Kris Vienna of Hemet said the Open division’s total purse exceeds $8,000.

“The team penners enjoy being here during the futurity, especially the cow work. We’re looking forward to the sale. I think there might be some real bargains on good horses.”

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Friday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 21st, 2009

A variety of classes fill FRIDAY, Aug. 21 at the NSHA Futurity, including several NSHA and VCHA classes.

FRIDAY, 8 a.m.
Cattle enjoy an oat hay breakfast behind the main arena. Fresh cattle, 840 of them here, are a key to good competition. Cattle manager Pat Russell says the trail of this group of Mexican cattle began last winter.

“One key is to go to a supplier with cattle from a single source, not from multiple previous owners. You want them relatively even, from front to back, and from an outfit with a good, all-weather shipping facility and a good crew that knows how to handle cattle. All contracts for this year were done by last Dec. 15 — it’s easier for the ranchers. We want them all about 500-550 lbs. This group is from Milt Rudnick out of Bakersfield. They came up from Mexico last winter, never used, weighing about 380 lbs. We checked them for size and condition weekly — see how they were eating, how healthy they were. Right before the show we get them on oat hay. These cows are fresh.”

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Thursday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 20th, 2009

On THURSDAY, Aug. 20, the NSHA Futurity moves into the Open reining phase. Herd work finished Tuesday, and the fence work will come Sunday.

THURSDAY, 8 a.m.
Remington, an 18-month old Papillon, is perked up about the start of the week’s reining competition this morning. His owner, Lisa Pomerance of San Juan Bautista, Calif., says he thinks he’s a horse.

“He likes working cattle. He thinks he can do it, even from the bleachers.”

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Wednesday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 19th, 2009

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 19, began with the Non-Pro reining and moved into stock horse classes.

WEDNESDAY, 11:30 a.m.
Russell Dilday and Topsails Rien Maker, last year’s World’s Richest Stock Horse champion, enter their first class of the week, the AQHA Senior Working Cow Horse.

“Practice isn’t for him. It’s for me. The practice run is about a problem that you think you have. You go in there and you either fix it or find it.”

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Tuesday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 18th, 2009

TUESDAY, Aug. 18, wrapped up the last set of Open herd work at the NSHA Futurity, and it opened herd work competition for the First-Timer, Pro-Am and Non-Pro divisions.

TUESDAY, 1:45 p.m.
Ron Emmons puts in afternoon reining practice with Last Thing Smokin.

“I cost this colt a point on each judge yesterday in the herd and ended up a 209. There’s a lot of show left, though, and I feel good about all four of my Futurity horses. I figure anytime I’m over 210, anything can happen. They all rein and they all go down the fence real well. This colt is going to be right in there, too.”

NSHA Snaffle Bit Futurity 2009 – Monday

From Horsetrader staff reports - August 18th, 2009

Monday, Aug. 17, launched Open Division competition of the 2009 National Stock Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity, held at the MidState Fairgrounds in Paso Robles, Calif. Horsetrader.com caught some of the competitors during the first day of herd work.

MONDAY, 6 a.m.
Ted Robinson is in the arena, riding the Palomino mare Whole Lotta Cash in pre-dawn work under the lights.

“This Futurity is the mare’s first show. She’s a dead-head at home. Here, she’s not the same horse. I’m fond of her, and I want her to be all she can be. We don’t show until this afternoon, but I’m going to spend some time with her and get her attention back on me.”