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Clarke is in the Markel Insurance GP fast lane with MH Wardance

From Releases and Staff Reports - October 1st, 2015

1510A CHT CoverSAN JUAN CAPISTRANO — With 39 entries and 11 clean, the final qualifier of the Markel Insurance 1.40m Grand Prix Series kept everyone on the edge of their seats and saddles, as top contenders raced to be the fastest, and, of course, clean. Four riders each had two horses in the jump-off, Brazilian Eduardo Menezes, Australian Lane Clarke, Brazilian Josephina Nor Lantzman and Enrique Gonzalez of Mexico, followed by last week’s winner, American Susan Hutchison aboard Ziedento.

With several speed demons aiming for the top prize, it was Clarke piloting MH Wardance, owned by MH Warbucks, who took the quickest route without a fault. Demonstrating true warrior mentality, “Brave,” as Clarke calls the horse, performed this feat even after pulling a shoe partway through the jump-off round.

Clarke was fully aware that the competition was going to put the pressure on.

“I knew it was going to be really fast from the beginning,” he said. “Eduardo on Carushka was extremely fast, my mare Semira is extremely fast, so I knew I was going to have to go really fast on Brave. I really wanted to win the last Grand Prix [of the season], it’s home and I love it here.”

Remembering ‘Senior’

When Jimmy Flores, Sr., passed away on Sept. 7, the horse world lost a unique friend. Here are some memories of 'Senior' from his fellow cow horse family

- October 1st, 2015


Jimmy Flores Sr

Jimmy Flores Sr

Chris Jameson photo/Down the Fence crew

He would very much like to be remembered, first, as a good horseman. Yes, he knew equipment and all, but he was a very, very knowledgeable horseman — and that’s what he really strived for. Not just a trainer, but beyond that. We have trainers today, but I’m not sure if we still have many horsemen in the world.


“He was one of the pillars of the community He actually got a lot of cow horse following in Europe because he was one of the first guys to get over there and show off the reined cow horse.

I remember when we started the Southern California club and would have benefit auctions. I was always amazed by his generosity. He’d show up with hackamores and all kinds of great things. What a generous, giving man who was really behind that sport. And I don’t think he ever missed a show, whether it was big or small. I saw him travel all the way to Texas, sleeping in his truck with his trailer full of stuff that he sold. He’d set up his booth, tear it down afterward, then drive all the way home by himself — and that was when he was in his late 70s. It definitely will not be the same without him. He inspired a lot of folks, and he was great to sit down and talk to.

Horses and Rain

With a lot of rain comes a lot of mud -- and even floods. Are you ready?

From UK Ag Extension - October 1st, 2015

If you own horses, you need to be aware of some problems that arise when you have too much rain in a short period of time.

Arena mud.

Arena mud.

Katie Wise photo

Wet pastures are ruined by horses’ hooves, so it is very possible that you will have more weeds than grass when the rain stops. If you have an overcrowded field, your pastures will probably be ruined, and you may need to feed your horses hay year-round. Also, without the competition of lush grass, you may end up with some poisonous plants in your pasture, and since horses are browsers, when they don’t have a lot of grass to eat they may start eating those plants.

Horses that like to “horse around” can run, slip, and risk bowing a tendon, popping a splint, or even falling down and hurting themselves. Of course, these injuries can occur at any time, but when the ground is slippery, the chances for these injuries increase. Slippery slopes and horses, especially young and rambunctious horses, are never a good combination.

Here are some tips to help keep your horses safe during rainy springs and other rainy periods:

How fast can you reward your horse?

24th in a Series

Les Vogt for the California Horsetrader - October 1st, 2015

Last issue, Les discussed some methods to deal with pressure and communication. Now let’s look in detail at the process.

The better you get at rewarding your horse for the correct response or even the correct thought, the faster he is going to progress through this program. More with Les

This means that before he can be trained, you need to become trained. You need to get to the point where your hands respond to the presence and absence of resistance in your horse’s mouth, almost before your brain comprehends it. Think for a minute about when you drive a car (or, for our younger readers, ride a bicycle). When you come to a curve in the road, do you mentally stop and think about how you’re going to make it around the corner before you actually start to move the wheel? Probably not if you’ve been driving for more than a few months. Your riding has to start to become the same way:

Is your dream horse really a nightmare to train?

Columnist Ray Ariss has tips.

By RAY ARISS - Horsetrader Columnist - October 1st, 2015

HEY RAY! I’m an avid dressage rider who has owned many horses, but my Dutch Warmblood is by far the horse of my dreams. He has everything — looks, size, movement and disposition. My only wish is that he would listen to me better.He is totally dull to my aids, and it seems like the more I squeeze the less he goes. Where do I go from here?
—Debra of Arizona

Lucy Davis, U.S. Team take 4th at FEI Nations Cup Jumping Final

From Releases and Staff Reports - October 1st, 2015

BARCELONA, Spain — Lucy Davis of Los Angeles and her four teammates wrapped up a week’s effort with a fourth-place finish Sept. 26 at the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Jumping Final.

Led by Chef d’Equipe Robert Ridland, the Hermès U.S. Show Jumping Team quartet of Lauren Hough, Reed Kessler, Laura Kraut, and Beezie Madden had a strong performance in a tough round against some of the world’s best combinations to finish in fourth place on 12 faults.

“It was a very difficult, but brilliant course. It was exactly what you would expect at the Final,” said Ridland. “It’s the highest level of sport with great countries competing here. We knew it was going to be tough when we walked it.”

Sgt. Reckless Memorial gets green light for Camp Pendleton

From Horsetrader Sales Staff - October 1st, 2015

The Sgt Reckless Memorial Fund is pleased to announce that the Department of Navy has accepted their $140,000 gift for a monument and grave marker for Staff Sergeant Reckless, the Korean War horse hero. Thomas W. Hicks, performing the duties of the Under Secretary of the Navy, signed off on the project on Wednesday, Sept. 23, granting permission to place the monument at the Pacific View Events Center on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Partnering with the Camp Pendleton Historical Society, plans will immediately get under way for the final fundraising, ground-breaking and installation. A target date of March 2016 is proposed for the dedication ceremony. For updates and how you can donate, please go to www.SgtReckless.com, and see the ad on page 73.

PASADENA — Cowboy, a Quarter Horse gelding his trainer calls the best kind of horse you’ll ever find, has left his 18-year career as a Los Angeles Police Department Mounted Patrol horse to begin a new venture at a therapeutic riding program.

He was one of 32 horses in the mounted unit in the Metropolitan Division of the LAPD, a serious law enforcement group that primarily works in large crowds, dignitary protection and the issuance of search warrants. He joins another recent LAPD retiree, Shadow, at the MACH 1: Moving A Child Higher program, where he’ll soak up the attention of affectionate youngsters who are overcoming disabilities. He’ll eventually be part of a Wounded Warrior program, too, where he’ll help re-acclimate veterans into society.

Cowboy, retired LAPD

Cowboy, retired LAPD

KCAL9 photo


“He’s a very exceptional horse,” said officer Joe Willey, a 25-year veteran who has been on the mounted unit 20 years – the last 11 as head trainer.”Dead-broke. Quiet. And tested in the field.”
The 18-year veteran has literally carried officers through high crime areas in Venice Beach, Hollywood and Skid Row. When a Laker celebration turned violent and cars were flipped, Cowboy was there, on duty. His even temperament and patient mind earned him selection as one of Willey’s instruction horses for recruits, who have no experience.